Vector Borne Disease Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention & Education - 1514 dogs, puppies (and a few kitties) saved since October 2001.
Illinois Birddog Rescue, Inc (IBR) is a 501(c)(3) Charity and licensed shelter by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Tax-deductible monetary gifts can be mailed to: P.O. Box 364 Wood Dale, IL 60191

Lisa's Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook


Another trip around the sun- wow that went fast. I am happy to report Olivia is still with me after bringing her into our program close to 7 years ago, but now she is 16 and struggling. My sweet girl- her original Facebook recovery album. This year's birthday is a biggie as I am going to be 60 on Valentine's day. That means I started this little rescue when I was about 36 years old-- nearly 24 years ago. I wish we had done more, I wish we had our own Pointer Plantation with acres of land for our homeless pets to run on and vetting facilities on site, but that dream hasn't come true-- yet. A girl can dream. I am proud of all the efforts we have made to help make a little difference in the world. The past 24 years I have met so many amazing volunteers and adopters and its because of thoughtful donations that we can help any at all.

It's so early in the year and we already have our first 2 heartworm positive dogs and I'm sure as always it will get bumpy from here. Please consider helping us again.


We have 3 new rescue dogs that need some dental care and surgery. Rowdy the Beagle came to us as an owner surrender from Kentucky in November of 2024. He had been fed a poor quality diet and he will need several teeth pulled. Rocky the Beagle came to us as an owner surrender from central Illinois but thankfully moved to a new forever home just before Christmas. Unfortunately, he was also fed a poor quality diet and his teeth are in bad shape and he may also need some teeth pulled. Lulu the Pointer was saved from a terrible life in west Texas by a hunter after seeing her owner at the same hunting preserve throwing food on the ground for her meals. Her owner didn't really want her any longer and after I was contacted we worked on a plan to get her out of Texas to Georgia and eventually to Chicago. Lulu's neglect includes her also needing a dental. She also only weighs 22lbs- about 20lbs smaller than a typical field bred Pointer.

My vet quoted me $600- $800- maybe with a rescue discount for each procedure so we are fundraising to help these 3 sweet dogs get the medical dental surgery they need. Any donation would be appreciated for their care.



Sandy is a BEAUTIFUL Yellow Labrador puppy- around 9 months old. I saw her shelter picture and wanted to try and give her the chance of finding her new forever home. Sandy was bought at a pet store in Kentucky as a puppy but when the child in her home became allergic, she was dumped at the local animal shelter. Sandy has the BEST personality-- GREAT with everyone she meets and playful and friendly with all the dogs she meets too. She is so trainable and has the potential to do dog agility or be the best family pet. Her blood work looked perfect and as she weighed in at just under 60lbs, it's possible she will be a 65-70lb dog as an adult.

Daisy Daisy is our newest little Pointer rescue from Tennessee. She was pulled from an overcrowded shelter and is currently in our heartworm slow-kill program. While in her foster home in Tennessee, she is learning what it's like to live indoors, to lay on furniture and to just feel safe. We don't know what her life was like before she came into our program, but we know she was not treated kindly, but she is getting braver and more affectionate everyday. We are looking for a foster to adopt family in the Chicago area with other confident dogs she can feel safe with. The foster must have a safe fenced in yard. The rescue covers all slow-kill supplies. We'll need to get her to our vet for her bloodwork and in a few months we'll schedule her spay and microchip.

Bo is a very handsome Liver and White Brittany that is looking for his forever home. He is currently in foster care near St. Louis but I hope to line up a foster home in the Chicago area to get his obligatory bloodwork done. Bo was found running at large in January and when the owner was found, he let us take Bo into our program as he was living outside with no safe containment. Such is the life of a country dog with no boundaries. Thankfully he is heartworm negative but we can assume since he never had any flea and tick protection, once we do some tick serology, something will show up. We are treating him with doxycycline proactively. Bo was born on March 25th, 2022 so he will be 4 this year. He is a bit of a handful in foster care learning about proper dog behavior indoors. He will need an adoptive home with a safe fenced in yard to keep him safe.

Seasonal Fleece Dog Coats From Foggy Mountain

Is your dog cold? We have some new dogs coats to help keep your dog warm in the colder months.

Fleece Snuggler: The Snuggler Coat is a lined plush fleece that is soft and snuggly. The front is sewn closed to make it easy to put on and take off. Contoured haunches give a custom fit. The fleece belly flap secures on one side with Velcro. It's simple and functional design make this such a great coat for the dog on the go!


Two More Rescues with Lyme Disease & Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Winston is a handsome English Setter we saved from an over-crowded shelter in Easter Tennessee. You can see his Facebook Recovery album HERE. Ingrid is a young German Shorthaired Pointer that was saved from an over-crowded shelter in Southern Illinois. You can see her Facebook Recovery album HERE. Both came into IBR's program in October. Sadly both are infected with Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Additionally, Winston also has heartworms and has some inflammation around his heart and lungs besides an intestinal parasite-- giardia. Ingrid has 2 very infected inflamed eyes we are also treating.

It takes hundreds of dollars to help special rescue dogs like our newbies to get better in an effort to find their forever homes. We sure could use a lot of support for their care.


English Setter Libby Needs Some Help

Libby is our new Lemon and White English Setter rescue. You can see her Facebook Recovery album HERE. I was contacted about her needing a rescue on May 30th and luckily we were able to move her to foster care the following Sunday. Libby was confiscated by the local animal control when a neighbor noticed she was being starved in an outdoor kennel. In spite of her neglect, Libby is a very loving Setter. We started her on a 3 time a day feeding routine, and we also did some worming and got her started on antibiotics for suspicion of tick borne disease and possible heart worms. She also had a bladder infection that is so much better. Blood work did confirm heart worms and she is now in our slow-kill treatment program. Libby will also need a dental in a few months when we do her spay. She is gaining weight slowly and learning how to be a proper house dog. Cage and house training is much better after a few weeks and she is especially loving with her foster daddy. We are looking for a Foster to Adopt home in the Chicago area so that we can get her full blood panel done and supervise her care. As Libby has a pair of suspicious mammary lumps, we will need to have those removed and biopsied too.

7-4-2024: Libby is doing amazingly well. She's gained about 8lbs and her energy level has also increased exponentially. Libby is learning to be a proper house dog and she loves cuddling with her foster dad. She will be in town on Friday the 12th for an exam, x-rays and blood work. We are still looking for a local foster home or a foster to adopt home would also be ideal. I will be taking new photos of her as well.



With all the new rescue dogs in need of medical help and nearly 100% of them fighting tick borne disease, we really need a lot of help with donations. Want to be an Illinois Birddog Rescue Sponsor? We would sure love your support!!

Sponsor a pet in our program.


Check out Buckwheat's IBR WISH LIST!!(click here)

Buckwheat came into IBR's program in 2002 as a little GSP mix puppy. He broke with a terrible virus called Parvo but thankfully survived. He was my constant companion for nearly 17 years and IBR's mascot until I lost him the end of 2019. How lucky was I to have my darling little bestie for such a long time. That is my hope for all IBR's adopters.

IBR's Fundraising Vehicle Donation Program!

IBR Rescue Setter- Dantes and Pointer- Lani.

We are thrilled to be partnering with Charity Dispatch in an effort to raise much needed funds for IBR. Click Here to start the process of donating your car to our program. Charity Dispatch makes it easy and safe and does all the work from towing your vehicle away, and also providing the necessary documention for your tax deduction once your car sells at auction. Thank you for your consideration!

More about Charity Dispatch's Vehicle Donation Program: Automobile owners who believe that their vehicle is not suitable for an automobile donation, are advised that we will accept automobiles in all in conditions, and the car which is not in running condition will bring in funds by stripping the car for spares. The sale of the spares will be used for the funding of the charity organization, and as such, any type of automobile donation, no matter the condition or the age of the vehicle, is a selfless act and will go a long way in assisting an organization that is battling to stay afloat because of a lack of funding. The automobile donation is very common and in fact, donating a car is as common as donating used household goods or money and since the automobile donation process is expertly handled by Charity Dispatch, which will handle the collection of the automobile at no cost to the donor, those who would like to make an automobile donation will find our services to be very helpful.

Charity Dispatch is a specialist in automobile donations and more than offering assistance with an automobile donation, donors are free to make donations of SUVs, boats, motorcycles, airplanes and timeshares. Those making an automobile donation will not only be offering a helping hand to organizations that are in dire need of funds, but since the charities represented on our website are all IRS Approved non-profit organizations, the donor will benefit from a tax deduction with the automobile donation.

IBR's Anniversary Fundraising Mug

Check out our anniversary Pointer Setter mugs. My hope is to sell a few to help with the care of our senior dog population. I think they are super fun and the watermark is not on the uploaded image. You can order your mug HERE.

Olivia-- My Special North Carolina Rescue

It has been 6 years since I heard about Olivia's need for rescue from an over crowded shelter in North Carolina. She came a long way from that sickly emaciated Setter with the terrible skin infections and mange and fighting Heartworms and at least 3 tick borne diseases, but now she is 14 or 15 years old and struggling. Olivia is losing her sight and her hearing and I need to force feed her twice a day to keep going. Olivia also has a bit of dementia. Recent blood work also shows not only is she still infected with Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, but Anaplasma also showed up and I suspect she has been infected with the whole time. It's tough seeing her health decline, but I am committed to helping her until she tells me she is ready to go.

Olivia's Recovery Facebook Album

With all the new Setters in need of medical help and nearly 100% of them fighting tick borne disease, we really need a lot of help with donations. Want to be a Setter Sponsor? Please visit our SETTER SPONSORS FUNDRAISING PAGE. Any donation no matter what size would be appreciated. Would you consider a monthly donation to help a dog like Olivia or one of our other seniors? Take a look at our monthly sponsorship program.

Sponsor a pet in our program.

Donate with QuickPay with Chase by Zelle

Most every fundraising app takes a big percentage of the donation- up to 7% and added processing fees. Chase QuickPay by Zelle transfers donations without any fees and the transfer is automatic. If your bank has Zelle transfers- you can sign up with their app. Transfers can be done using IBR's email address:

The Lyme Quant C6/4DX Snap VS the IDEXX IFA Serology

The past 17 years nearly 100% of our incoming dogs, cats, kittens and puppies are showing tick borne disease infections. Why is this? Several years ago this rescue and me personally went on a quest to help find the best testing and diagnosis to help our rescue population. Because I suffer from Lyme disease, I understand how hard it is for people to be diagnosed properly, and the testing available for pets is often not accurate and sadly as Animal Hospitals are businesses-- many clinics use diagnostic labs that offer them better pricing. The worst thing about what I have learned is the best tool for diagnosis is not even in the IDEXX manual. The 371 IFA serology is most like the testing that is often more accurate in humans. The testing IDEXX promotes is their snap tests that use a Lyme Quant C6 approach to Lyme disease diagnosis which we have shown test after test, is not accurate. The turning point in IBR's tick borne disease testing was when a DVM adopted an infected Pointer from me, "Because he wanted to learn more about Lyme disease." Since then Dr. John Rimkunas has adopted a beagle also struggling with tick borne disease. Seeing both his dogs struggle physically and emotionally has helped him see what I have been seeing for years.

I will be posting more about this- but wanted to at least show the comparison between the IDEXX 4DX snap test and the IDEXX 371 IFA Serology that we ran on new rescue Pointer Shaun. Shaun came in with a fever and enlarged lymph nodes. Shaun was also limping from his left front wrist and had a large bloody seroma extending from the joint and another seroma on the right wrist too. Dr. John noted that he suspected tick borne disease and thankfully we did the better testing as Shaun is feeling so much better now that he is being treated. Many vets are taught that Shaun's Lyme titer of @1:800 and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) titer @1:200 would be "exposure" and not treat-- even if the dog is symptomatic. I will never understand this- and so frustrating. Note that the result for Lyme disease on the 4DX snap was negative and sadly the snap does not test for RMSF. Could Shaun had been vaccinated for Lyme disease- not likely and we will do follow up testing to see where his titers go. Because he also has RMSF, we can assume he has been subject to tick bites. I do hope some folks find my page and if their dog is struggling and only a 3DX or 4DX snap test was performed, that a better IFA Serology can be done for better diagnosing. Tick borne disease is epidemic in this country- and so many animals are suffering because of it.

Rescue Pointer Brady-- VINDICATED!!

***This is an older story-- but a very good story***

Brady finished his Derby season with first in Open Walking Derby at the Fort Dearborn GSP Club in September and a first in Amateur Walking Derby and another first in Open Walking Derby at the German Wirehair Pointer Clubs trial in October. Brady came into IBR's program in the worst health suffering from at least 3 undiagnosed tick borne diseases- Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Brady had chronic diarrhea and bloody stool and was a pointing training reject. Brady has made the most remarkable progress in foster care with his loving foster dad Hector Becerra and while he had a few medical setbacks, he has regained all of his natural scent pointing and hunting abilities. As we have Brady's FDSB papers, we know his Great Grand Pappy is Hall of Fame Inductee CH Erin's Southern Justice and his pappy is CH Erin's Brave Heart . While he has fine genetics, being infected with tick borne disease caused terrible damage to his health while affecting his confidence and drive in the field. I knew we could help him and thanks to many sponsors, after a year plus of medication- he is recovering very well and we are thrilled at his success in Derby this fall.

To date Brady's breeder has no interest in this puppy's health or welfare and was unwilling to test his mom and sold her :O(. This lack of responsibility for the dogs breeding programs is a HUGE problem with the the American Field and with back yard breeders everywhere. Rarely are any of the puppies micro-chipped for their protection and so many of these magnificent dogs wind up in landfills or shot dead when they don't perform. We have proven over and over that these dogs are so at risk for tick borne disease working and training in tick infested areas or being borne to infected Bitches that there is no hope for them to recover unless they find a rescue as dedicated as we are here at IBR to help them succeed and find forever homes. Brady's Vindication is one amazing little Pointer- he looks like a million bucks on point and has the sweetest personality. I can not be more proud of Hector and Brady and am grateful that he trusted me mentoring him in the field- but that was easy- Brady was such a natural once he got over his bad memories and fear. On his last run at Des Plaines Conservation area on October 26th- he ran hard, was incredibly smart and bold following the Derby course and was breathtaking in point. Hector handled him magnificently and as a newbie to field trailing and Pointers, and brought back so many memories of my own when I ran my first Pointer in field trials so many years ago.

THANKS TO ALL- that donated and sponsored Brady's medical bills and Field Trial entries to make all of this possible. We do GREAT work here at Illinois Birddog Rescue and we need as much help as ever. Lisa- IBR Founder and President.

IBR's Talk To Da Paw JH- A Very Special Deaf English Setter

***My sweet Gavin turned 13 in 2023-- but he is hanging in there.***

So many TO DO's on my TO DO list while trying so hard to raise funds and help save more- that I pushed Gavin's Story further down on that list. His story is an important one and I created his own Web Page. I never gave up on him- NEVER- even when it was suggested that he be put to sleep. I thank my own Setter stubbornness and my Setter guardian angel for helping him be the little over-achiever he was meant to be.

SLOW KILL Heartworm Treatment- A Safer Option

I have been in Pointer/Setter rescue for over 20 years now. I have seen many vetting successes and many vetting failures and once we started to see the high incidence of tick borne disease in our positive heartworm dogs and how so many of these dogs struggled with the Immiticide/Cyanide treatment we had to find a better way. After doing some research and hearing from vets that only used Heartguard or similar product and adding doxycycline for the Wohlbachia issue, then adding good blood work including the IDEXX 371 tick panel to uncover tick borne disease complications- we are happy to share the IBR's Slow Kill Method success story page. All the dogs that went through this treatment plan were examined by our attending vets and they in turn scripted out the Heartguard or Iverheart and helped us get the appropriate blood work done. Some dogs were treated out of state and to the surprise of their attending vets also did very well. As a rescue we never want to rush treatment in order to move a dog out the door for adoption and thankfully most of the dogs in the slow kill are in foster to adopt.

IBR in Upland Almanac

It is always wonderful to be recognized for all the hard work we do here at Illinois Birddog Rescue. It is especially gratifying when my hard work pays off especially when it comes to my special deaf Setter rescue Gavin. I will put fingers to keyboard soon and document his story as it needs to be told. This little dog is what makes all the hard work and sacrifice worth while.


Whoa Doggie! Slideshow

View the new Powerpoint slideshow showcasing our rescue legacy from the first nine years.
**You must have Powerpoint to view the slideshow. Each slide will advance on its own. This is a large file and may take time to download.**

Illinois Birddog Rescue wants to make sure all of our adoptable dogs stay healthy throughout flea and tick season. We welcome donations of Frontline, Heartguard, or any similar product. Email Lisa if you would like to help.

Monetary donations can be snail mailed to:
Illinois Birddog Rescue, Inc.
P.O. Box 364
Wood Dale, IL 60191

Please visit us at Illinois Birddog Rescue and IBR Facebook

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. --Ralph Waldo Emerson